It takes courage and strength to reach for the support to heal and grow.


We all feel lost, alone, broken, shut-down, or like we are falling apart at times in our lives. Some of us have been feeling that way for as long as we can remember.

No matter where you have been or what you are going through now, please know this: you are worth having the support you need to heal, grow, and thrive in life, and live from the embodied vitality of your authentic self.

Therapy offers the space for this sacred work to be done. In partnership with a trusted, caring, unwavering other to walk beside you on your journey, you are guided back to the wisdom of your true self.

I am so glad you found your way to my website, and I encourage you to read on and see if it feels like I am the right fit for you.


The idea [of therapy] isn’t to give people answers, or lead their bark of longing into a safe, dull, protected harbor,

but to make people aware of the depths of possibility in their hearts and lives;

help them remove the barriers that keep them from being the people they were meant to be.

- John O’Donohue

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